My therapeutic support work is inspired by different tools and psychological approaches combining readings:
Psychoanalytic : identification and understanding of intrapsychic conflicts, free association, explorations and analyzes of past experiences, work on manifestations of the unconscious, transference, dreams, defense mechanisms,….
S ystemic : interest in the system in which the individual evolves , for communicational exchanges in the dynamics of family, group, couple or an extended system (company, state), for repeated transgenerational constellations / symptoms,…
Transcultural : reading combining anthropology, systemic sciences and analytical, work on the relationship with the culture of origin / host / migration / multiculturality. Important role given in the symbolism and cultural meaning of beliefs, illness, the construction of individual identity in relation to the group to which they belong, question of departures / breaks with the group to which they belong, of the construction of the identity of the miscegenation.
Humanist: therapy centered on the person, free expression, work on emotions, responsibilities, somatizations, transactional analysis, ...
the therapeutic framework is approached from the first session where the patient expresses the apparent problematic that he would like to solve and the type of therapeutic support that he needs (likely to evolve / deepen during the therapeutic work)
The issues can be related to:
painful emotional states:
Anxiety disorders: stress, anxiety, phobia, insomnia, fear, ...
Mood disorders: depression, bipolarity, ..,
Behavior disorders: addictions, eating disorder, sleep disorders, ...
Somatic symptoms: body pain, symptoms of post-traumatic stress ....
life events:
Bereavement, separations, relationship conflicts, experiences of abandonment, rejection, betrayal, loss of a job, move, expatriation, illness, trauma, ...